We have removed your name from jusbr

We have removed your name from jusbr

Did you know that we removed your name from jusbr, the “official diary” of legal proceedings? It is quite common, at some point in our lives, to be part of a legal process. Although such processes are often associated with large volumes of papers and documents that were restricted to forums, nowadays, with the arrival of the internet, they have evolved and are now processed digitally.

With this, the official journals, which in turn are where the progress of our processes are published so that we can be aware of the acts of legal actions — such as decisions, petitions, notices of deadlines, etc. — are also present on the web.

This alone makes the most diverse figures, whether public or not, want to remove such information, which is why it is important that you know that we, at Saftec Digital, have removed your name from jusbr.

How does jusbr and related products work?

It happens that websites such as jusbr, Escavador, Radar Oficial and others, capture data from official journals and publish them on their respective websites, with the aim of gaining views and more traffic on the websites.

However, these official journal publications that are added to these websites end up exposing the parties to the processes, who begin to have their data exposed on the internet through websites such as jusbr, Escavador and Radar Oficial, and when searching for their names on internet, they start to see them linked to websites.

This, however, is not a problem, as we have removed your name from jusbr!

Name in jusbr: personal and professional losses

Count on Saftec Digital, which states: “we removed your name from jusbr!” is to ensure that the losses of having your name on jusbr are avoided. For those who don't know, having the name, whether an individual or a company on jusbr, Digger or Official Radar, can harm the person when looking for a new job or closing a business, making it essential to remove it. of legal proceedings.

About Saftec Digital

It's nothing new that we removed your name from jusbr, after all, we are a company with over 10 years active in the digital market, and which understands that removing legal proceedings in your name from the internet is the first step towards building a healthy reputation on the web, because all online content will be of great importance for your image.

To find out more, contact us by phone: (11) 4114-9358.

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