See what actions are needed to remove the name from Google

See what actions are needed to remove the name from Google

Every day the number of people looking for actions to remove the name of Google grows. What some see as a great advantage, others do not consider so much. According to Saftec Digital, a company specializing in reputation management, removal of unwanted content and digital processes, this happens because some articles or pages may contain e-mail, telephone and other personal data that may cause unpleasant situations.

There is also the possibility of the search engine finding false news, rumors and slander. In addition, the search for privacy on the internet has been an agenda in the digital environment and in the lives of many people. Therefore, doubts about the subject arise every day, and if you also want to know more about this subject, continue reading:

Is it possible to remove the name from Google?

Knowing that search results generate unwanted content, the next step is always to research whether it is possible and what actions are taken to remove the name from Google. Answering this question that has been the most common, yes. However, the first thing the reader needs to understand is that Google is a search service, which means that unwanted information is located on sites that are not hosted by the search engine.

In this way, Google only shows the information that is available on the websites of different administrators that have nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg's company. So Google has no control over what they post about you or your business on the internet.

What can Google do for me?

As mentioned above, Google is just a search engine. However, there is some information that the company usually hides. So, if your problem is related to something that is part of the company's security and ethics policy, the actions to remove your name from Google will be taken care of.

On its website, Google describes what information goes into its list of security and ethics policies. See what they are:

What should I do if I can't remove some information on Google?

Actions to remove Google's name based on talking directly to the company don't always work out. Especially if your case does not fit with the company's security policy. For this reason, there are strategies for you to get around this situation.

At Saftec Digital, actions to withdraw the name of Google start with a good reputation and image management job. Using search engine strategies in favor of the client itself, the company is able to considerably improve the results of information searches on the Internet.

If you or your company are looking for improvements in search results and actions to remove Google's name, know that Saftec Digital is a company specialized in digital strategies, which knows Google's rules to properly and coherently manage the recovery of your reputation. For more information, contact us by phone (11) 4114-9358 and the website

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