Removal of erotic photos and videos from the web

Removal of erotic photos and videos from the web

Did you know that you can request the removal of erotic photos and videos from the web ? Saftec Digital explains that the dissemination of videos and photos of adult content is still a very recurring crime that affects people from different parts of the world. The good news is that there is a solution for all these cases. Are you interested? Continue reading and find out more about the subject!

Disclosure of explicit non-consensual content

It is not news that, currently, it has been quite common for adult content to be disseminated without the authorization of those involved. In the vast majority of cases, this content is disseminated for reasons of revenge, especially when the victims are women. Causing humiliation and harming the personal and social life of the person involved. At this moment, the first thought is to request the removal of erotic photos and videos from the web .

Where does the published content go?

With the advent of the internet and new technologies such as smartphones and tablets, the dissemination of published content happens quite quickly. And, in the vast majority of cases, they end up on websites that are part of the porn industry, making it difficult for victims to remove erotic photos and videos from the web , and they are reproduced thousands of times.

Is publishing adult content a crime?

Saftec Digital explains that the dissemination of any and all non-consensual adult content has been considered a crime since 2018. The penalty for those who disseminate this type of material can vary between 1 and 5 years in prison, depending on the severity of the that was disclosed. Therefore, it is extremely important that victims file a police report so that the case can be resolved before the law, and so that erotic photos and videos can be removed from the web .

Is it possible to request the removal of erotic photos and videos from the web?

According to Saftec Digital, Google has made a form available for those who wish to request the removal of certain content from the search engine pages. Therefore, the questionnaire can be a good option for those who want to request the removal of erotic photos and videos from the web . Once completed, you must wait for an analysis that will determine whether the request is relevant or not.

Removal of erotic photos and videos from the web with Saftec Digital

As you can see, removing erotic photos and videos from the web is not an easy task. In these cases, the vast majority of victims need to deal with various implications that the dissemination of this material can bring. Therefore, in order to facilitate this process, it is interesting to rely on a reliable company that knows how to deal with digital content.

In this sense, we invite you to discover Saftec Digital, a company specialized in removing erotic photos and videos from the web . With us, you can count on a qualified team that will provide humanized service according to your demands. This way, you will be safe and the published content will no longer be seen on Google pages.

To find out more, contact us at (11) 4114-9358 and ask all your questions!

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