Removal of adult content

Removal of adult content

Did you know that sharing non-consensual adult content is a crime? And that, furthermore, the removal of adult content is the victim's right? Saftec Digital, a company specializing in web services, in this article tells you more about this subject and its main implications. To find out more, continue reading and ask your questions!

What is adult content?

First of all, Saftec Digital explains that it defines as adult content any and all sexually explicit material, that is, photos, videos, audios and messages. Unfortunately, many people have been victims of criminals who publish these materials on the internet and are forced to deal with virtual lynching, humiliation and harassment, without knowing that it is possible to request the removal of adult content .

How did this start?

Still in this sense, according to Saftec Digital, this type of practice has always happened. However, with the popularization of the internet, it has become even more common due to the ease of disseminating content. Therefore, it is not difficult to find people, especially women, who have already suffered from this type of situation and had to resort to removing adult content .

Is it possible to request the removal of adult content?

Currently, Google provides a kind of questionnaire that must be filled out by everyone who wants to remove some type of content from web pages. In this sense, it is possible to request the removal of adult content , but the deletion does not happen automatically, it is necessary to wait for the company to carry out an analysis to understand the nature of the request.

In general, few removal requests are successful, as the search engine evaluates a series of factors that imply the disclosure and deletion of the requested content. Therefore, when filling out the form, the victim must detail the situation with as much information as possible, in order to achieve the desired result and have adult content removed .

Adult content removal with Saftec Digital

As you can see, despite the adult content removal request tool , we are still not talking about an easy task that is successful on the first try. For this reason, in addition to registering a police report about the crime committed, it is necessary to rely on a company that understands the subject and works to ensure that the content is removed.

In this sense, you can count on Saftec Digital, a company specialized in digital services. With a qualified team, you can count on adult content removal services , removal of digital processes, reputation management and marketing consultancy. This way, you will no longer have to deal with non-consensual disclosure.

To find out more, contact us at (11) 4114-9358 and ask all your questions!

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