Release Distributor

Release Distributor

Did you know that the dissemination of information does not happen randomly? To do this, it is often necessary to have a release distributor . Saftec Digital, a company specializing in web services, in this article helps you understand more about this concept and how it can be important for you and your business. Continue reading!

What is release?

Before hiring a release distributor service , Saftec Digital explains that the release is one of the main communication tools. It is fundamental for the area of ​​dissemination and dissemination of information about a specific person, business or event. In general, we can summarize it as informative material that aims to serve newsroom journalists.

Furthermore, the statement must promote some characteristic or event that is linked to the contractor. The text is written following certain standards, in order to increase the visibility of the company or legal entity in question. Thus, digital reputation gains a plus, with good results on the first pages of search engines, such as Google.

What is the objective of the release?

Still defining the tool, according to Saftec Digital, the main objective of the release is to dig up agendas in communication vehicles or even be used as a type of support material within journalistic newsrooms. So that it is possible to guarantee that the announced information is published in the press, in order to gain space in the media.

Why hire a release distributor?

Many people wonder why they should hire a release distributor . For Saftec Digital, having a release distributor means having a tool that will optimize your routine. This is because we are talking about a service that is capable of sending story suggestions to many journalists simultaneously through one click.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the release sending system allows press officers to manage the interest of journalists through reports of who read the email it was sent to or downloaded the photos, for example. Knowing who is interested in the subject in question is a good start to start filtering the next distributions.

Looking for a release distributor? Count on Saftec Digital

Now that you know the importance of having a good release distributor , you need to find a reliable company that provides this service. In this sense, you can now count on Saftec Digital, a company specialized in web services. With us, you have access to a range of services such as digital marketing consultancy, content removal and reputation management.

Get in touch at (11) 4114-9358 and answer all your questions!

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