Pre-campaign with electoral marketing

Pre-campaign with electoral marketing

Nowadays the method of running a political campaign has changed, and questions arise like “what is a pre-campaign?” and “what is electoral marketing?” increasingly recurring, not for nothing, the term “pre-campaign with electoral marketing” has also become very common. Therefore, if you want to know more about this topic, read this article until the end and discover the answers to these questions.

What is pre-campaign?

Beforehand, it is necessary to understand that a pre-campaign is nothing more than the period before the electoral campaign. In it, electoral strategies are put into practice so that a candidate takes advantage of the time to gain prominence from his competitors. Therefore, when the electoral campaign actually begins, it can be said that this candidate will already be somewhat ahead of the others.

And electoral marketing?

Therefore, before understanding what pre-campaign electoral marketing is all about, it is necessary to know what this marketing strategy refers to. In practice, it is a set of actions aimed at achieving a short-term objective. In general terms, its focus is the communication and dissemination of a specific claim, so that a positive image is built.

Such disclosure must occur during the pre-campaign and electoral period, so that the candidate becomes known and accepted by the public, as foreseen in the pre-campaign. Furthermore, it is important to mention that electoral marketing is part of political marketing, a more comprehensive strategy that must be part of the candidate's plan even after his election. In short, such concepts cannot be dissociated, since one makes up the other.

But after all, what is the pre-campaign with electoral marketing all about?

Given this, without further ado, pre-campaign with electoral marketing, in turn, is nothing more than the use of electoral marketing strategies to carry out, in essence, a candidate's pre-campaign. In other words, the idea is that the interested party is elected purely through the internet and digital marketing, given that traditional campaigns, for example, are already somewhat outdated and, consequently, inefficient.

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