Positioning my name on Google

Positioning my name on Google

If you search for “positioning my name on Google”, you certainly already understand the importance that search results have for your professional life. For Saftec Digital, a company specialized in reputation management, removal of unwanted content and removal of digital processes, there are several strategies that can improve your ranking and result in a good positioning for your name. Want to know more about positioning my name on Google ? Keep reading!

Take care of your website

For those looking to position my name on Google , one of the first things to do to improve search results is to analyze your website. For Saftec Digital, studies indicate that the main factor that classifies visits to a website is the way the information is distributed and the experience that the browser found when accessing it. So, focus on building an easy and pleasant website. The more time users spend on your site, the better it will rank in search.

Deliver good content

The second point for anyone looking to position my name on Google is to have content that is different from all that is already on the internet. Quality on your website is one of the ways to increase visitor traffic and improve search position. According to Saftec Digital, in recent research, marketers said that developing content with SEO tactics makes ranking 57% easier and more effective.

If you don't understand much about content marketing or SEO tactics, look for a specialized company that can serve your business by focusing on error-free texts, full of keywords and optimized for mobile, in addition to having the basics that a text for the internet you need to have it. Great news for anyone looking to position my name on Google.

Improve your page speed

As mentioned, many factors contribute to positioning my name on Google . One of them is page speed. Page speed updates have recently become part of these factors, because the version used on cell phones is also used. So, to improve your search ranking, provide a fast and dynamic website.

Get to know Saftec Digital

If you have read the entire article and understand that you need help to position your name on Google, get to know Saftec Digital, a company specialized in digital processes and reputation management. Through strategies and qualified professionals, the company offers the most innovative compliance services for various sectors of the national market. Contact Saftec Digital at: (11 4114-9358).

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