Organic search marketing

Organic search marketing

Organic search marketing is a mechanism referring to natural search results, or as the name suggests: organic, that is, those that were not paid to be on the first page of search engines like Google. According to Saftec Digital , a company specializing in reputation management and digital marketing consultancy, organic search marketing results are generated from SEO techniques, focusing on content quality and a lot of strategy. Read more about the subject below.

How important is organic search marketing?

Corresponding to 26.2% of all website traffic, organic search marketing is the main demand channel for businesses around the world. Therefore, organic traffic becomes a priority for companies that intend to boost sales and make their brand better known in the market.

Still on the importance of organic search marketing, according to research, 77% of Brazilians trust links that are not sponsored more, as organic positioning has a much longer lifespan than sponsored ones.

How does organic search work?

As mentioned, organic search marketing is based on SEO mechanisms to satisfactorily result in searches made by potential customers. It is increasingly known and invested in by large companies, working with a tracking, indexing, rendering and ranking model to bring relevance to your brand.

How can I optimize organic search on my website?

Organic search marketing is considered one of the main pillars of digital communication. With good content and strategies focused on your business, the company becomes relevant in the market in which it operates. Therefore, investing in a qualified SEO team, or outsourcing the service to companies in the sector, is the solution for those who want to reach the first page of Google without having to pay for it. Read more tips on how to optimize your website:

Know everything about your website

Now that you know what organic search marketing is and how it works, the second step is to know your website and the characteristics of those who already access the page. Based on this information collected, the SEO team can develop its own strategies to increase the reach of your website.

Use keywords

The second important tip for those who want to start benefiting from organic search marketing and don't know how to use keywords in their website and blog posts. This is because, when identifying which content will be delivered to those searching, the keywords need to be based on the terms searched. Therefore, the text in question always needs to be related to the product terms and how people usually search.

Get to know Saftec Digital

Now that you know the importance of organic search marketing for your business results, get to know Saftec Digital , a company specialized in SEO techniques, which has trained professionals and extensive experience to help boost your website in search results. Google. Get in touch by phone 11 4114-9358 and find out more.

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